Thursday, April 30, 2009

France's First Lady Carla Bruni Sarkozy - Latest Nude Pics

It’s always struck me that French President Nicolas Sarkozy knew what he was getting into when he married Carla Bruni. It is either pure stupidity or blind lust. There’s something almost admirable about Carla’s refusal to be embarrassed by her extensive sexual past, and her two decades of bohemian life. Carla never lied about who she was or what she did - and I, for one, appreciate that. She understands that once a whore, always a whore. Just that there higher level and lower whores. The highest level ones go with Presidents and Prime Ministers.

When she was a model, Carla posed nude many, many times. And before she even met Sarkozy, she had a relationship with a married man, Raphael Enthoven. When they broke up, apparently Raphael still had many photographs and videos of Carla - many of them nudes, or perhaps even a few sex tapes. What to do with a sex tape of yourself with an ex? Raphael decided to hand these items over to his brother, Julien. He must have announced to the world when he did this.

Julien’s Paris apartment was just burgled - and the thieves got away with the photographs and the sex tapes. Police are investigating, but people feel strongly that sometime soon, a Carla Bruni sex tape will be leaked. It is strange that the burglar only interest is the sex items, and even stranger that the burglar knew the tape is with Julien.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


hlače in majica zara, jopa h&m - sprobavam fotošop programček :) danes sem si (ne)uspešno malo podaljšala lase :DD
+ Eno stopalo je odrezano, ker sem se slikala v ogledalu, da pa ni noge, sem opazila šele, ko sem šla obdelovat sliko. :S

100 - yeeeeej

Evo, moja stota objava. Na začetku sem mislila, da je ne bo, pa mi je bloganje kar malo zlezlo pod kožo :)

btw, 3 dni nazaj sem se končno naučila tudi vstaviti "visit counter". Prej sem vedno v googla napisala: people counter, pa mi nikoli ni bilo jasno, zakaj mi ne vrže ven nobene strani, kjer bi si brezplačno lahko poštimala to zadevščino. Dokler nisem par dni nazaj pri fantu spala in kar naenkrat me je presunilo (ko sem še spala..), da vedno narobe vpišem v iskalnik :DDD.

naštimala sem si Toboads oglase. Imate kaj izkušenj z njimi??? Se dejansko zasluži kakšen €. Sama sem si jih nastavila bolj iz firbca, kot pa iz želje po zaslužku, ker nekako sumim, da je ni :D
Zaenkrat sem v dveh dneh zaslužila 17 centov..!! :D Denar pa mi bodo nakazali šele, ko bom imela 40€. :D Tako da sumim, da bom najbolj redne bralce in klikerje na oglase lahko čez cca 5 let peljala na kavo - če ne bo takrat kava v naših preljubih lokalih dosegla še višjo nenormalno ceno :D

Torej, na plan z željami, pohvalami, kritikami, pripombami, ..
(no, malo lahko upoštevate dejstvo, da sem še dokaj nova na sceni, da ne boste prestrogi do mene :DD)


Danes je tak super dan - kot narejen za učenje. Dež pada, nobenega ni zunaj, vsi so zaspani, nič se jim ne da,... Meni pa tako vreme paše. Ravno takrat, ko se okoli mene nič pametnega ne dogaja, se lahko učim. Ker ničesar ne zamudim.. :DD

Mika me samo, da bi si prebrala e-knjigo Twilight. Pa si nekako ne upam, ker po pričevanju prijateljic ne moreš nehati, ko jo enkrat začneš brati. Ste jo že prebrale?

Danes zjutraj sem tudi "prebrala" knjigo Preklestvo v zlati kletki (dramatična zgodba Urške Čepin, napisana pod peresom nane Zanelli). Ja vem ja, tako sem bila proti, a me je premamilo in sem rekla soforumašici, naj mi jo pošlje na mail. Moje mnenje: Loooooooooooooooooooooool. Preskakovala sem poglavja, samo da sem bila skozi. Na vsaki strani je drugače itak samo ene par besed- sedaj končno razumem, kako jim je uspelo knjigo raztegniti na tako veliko strani (blizu 200). Na sredi je par strani fotografij - nedolžna Urša slikana v takih in drugačnih položajih :DD
In ja, knjiga je napisana na nivoju osnovnošolskega spisa. Najbolj v dobro voljo so me pa spravile besede: kurvešta, seksulja, ... :S

simpatično sličico sem dobila tukaj

Lindsay Lohan Skinny Holiday

Super Skinny Lindsay Lohan Sunbathes in her Bikini in Hawaii!

When’s Lindsay Lohan isn’t dropping thousands at luxury retailers in Maui, she’s prancing around in her bikini with sister Ali.

And just in case you bastards missed it, yesterday we posted pics of Lindsay sunbathing with some friends over the weekend. Check those pics here!

Which one looks worst? :D

Torej, povejte svoje mnenje o teh dveh outfitih. So vam všeč, vam niso, ... ?
Ali se vam zdi, da je Beyonce izbrala pravi kroj za svojo postavo?
Mislite, da Lady GaGa pretirava s svojo "ekstravaganco"?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Diora Baird storms into FHM list

She will be the hottest Trek babe ever and she really wants you to see her movie, that is, if she can remember the title. Former Playboy cover star and actress Diora Baird has admitting to getting confused between Star Trek and Star Wars.

The 26-year-old, who plays The Green Girl in J.J. Abrams’s reboot of the sci-fi franchise, confessed that she could not understand fans’ obsessions with the movies.

“I’m not a big sci-fi fan,” she told FHM. “So I don’t really understand the whole Star Trek thing. I get that it’s a big deal but I keep referring to it as Star Wars by mistake. Is that bad?

“I’ve heard [Star Trek fans] are very passionate. I really have no idea what to expect when the film comes out, but I have been warned that it’s going to be rather intense.”

Baird, who was voted 33rd in FHM’s latest Sexiest Women In The World list and has a 32DD bust, also claimed that she is struggling to be taken seriously as an actress because of her curvy figure.

“I’ve always wanted to be a serious actress,” she said. “But I also know being the ‘hot girl’ is what got me in the door and being voluptuous is what got me a lot of attention. Now I just have to work hard to prove I’m more than a hot, busty girl.”

Yea, this spread in FHM makes us all NOT think about how you’re a hot busty girl.