So I haven't updated with a length shot in some time, I couldn't even remember so I had to look back. It was November of 2010 and I was not quite BSL, since then I've had a few trims and I've been trying to allow the nape area and back of my hair to totally catch up with the rest of my hair because it's growing in like crazy. Until it really started growing in I didn't realize how much of it was damaged and unhealthy, when I look at my hair when it's down it's thicker looking and it's because there really is more hair there.
The quality of this picture isn't the greatest because it was snapped with a camera phone, but you get the picture. I'm still hovering right above BSL (bra strap length) but with multiple trims, including a few therapeutic self-trimming episodes (I can't help it!) I'm happy with the length. Like I said earlier, I'm really focusing on getting the back to be the same length as the top. In this photo, I'm 7 weeks post relaxer and as of right now I have no plans on relaxing yet.

For this photo, I had my hair roller set on purple rollers. I sat under the overhead dryer for about 1 hr. and then I had my roots and edges blow out some to give it that polished look but I did not have the entire length of my hair blow dried. I actually went to a local Dominican Salon on $8.00 Doobie day and ended up paying $13.00 including the $5.00 to blow the roots only. Not a bad deal huh? I have already deep conditioned with my own deep conditioner overnight, so in the AM I just went in with my plastic cap on and they took it from there. As you can see from the front it looks way shorter and my bang has grow out a bunch too.