Sunday, May 31, 2009


Zamenjala sem layout bloga. Vam je všeč?
Čudovito sliko sem si izposodila na tej strani. Posnel pa jo je Justin Grant.

I replaced the blog layout. Do you like it?
Wonderful picture I borrowed at this page. It's by Justin Grant.

Sunday coffee

Joj, aladinke so res res udoben kos. Sploh te bombažne... Najboljša izbira za nedeljsko kavico :)

Gee, harem pants are really really comfortable piece. In particular, this cotton ... Best choice for a Sunday coffee:)

adidas shirt, zara blazer, newyorker harem pants, calzedonia socks

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Unseened Japan School Girl

This school-girl from Japan, refused to give her name (see below). But she is real hot and willing, and very cooperative too. Funny thing is her site Unseen Japan, where the photos originated was banned by Singapore's busybody MDA. Singapore is worse than China and the rest of the world, when come to internet censorship. Let's enjoy these pics for now before it got banned by another authority.

Her name is Akiho Yoshizawa - a porn model

Cecilia Galliano - Argentinian Super Model

While most of us are constantly looking for erotic pics of big stars like Britney and Paris Hilton, what we missed are those near perfect bodies of beautiful human beings that were carefully nurtured and "carved" into perfection. Here is a near perfect one, that any Britney and Paris wannabes would envy. These photos contained timeless immortals.

Sure, at first glance you think, "Oh, she's just another hot model from Argentina. Big deal." And then you quickly realize what you wake up to every morning looks like Ellen on a good day. I'm just saying, you can't miss this, you simply can't!

in flowers

No, predstavljam vam moje novo krilo iz trgovine c&a. Čisto sem navdušena, tako da sem ga morala še isti dan obleči. Taka sem :D

Zunaj je tako mraz, da sploh ne vem kaj naj oblečem. Še včeraj sem okoli skakala v kratkih hlačah, danes je pa 12 stopinj :S To ni normalno..

This is my new skirt from the store C & A. Of course I have to immediately put him on the same day when I bought it, like any new clothes that I buy .

Temperatures are so low that I do not know what to wear.

Yesterday, I still jump around in shorts, but today is 12 degrees . :S

this is not normal.

asos little bag, vintage jeans jacket, h&m cardigian, c&a skirt

jezna sem...

... odšla sem namreč zadnjič v življenju v šoping s sestro. Po dveh urah iskanja hlač za telovadbo mi je namreč povedala, da bo rajši "jutri prišla z mami". waaa - jaz pa sem lepo žrtvovala dve uri, namesto da bi se učila za četrtkov izpit.. poden :S

Sebi sem kupila športne harem pants, rožnato nabrano krilo in debelo pisano leseno zapestnico. Pokažem, ko bom imela čas :)

vintage jeans jakna, only majica, pas in torbica accessories, hlače veromoda, čevlji vagabond


Oh ta h&m... Ko že misliš, da imaš vse kar rabiš, vedno znova pridejo v trgovine stvari ki jih "nujno" potrebuješ..
Jakna in bluza sta čudoviti. <3

Btw, uspelo mi je narediti francosko manikiro, vendar na mojih nohtih ne izpade lepo.. Zavidam vsem vam, ki imate nohte z veliko površino.. :D
No, vsaj malo sem spravila k sebi obnohtno kožico, pa tudi Mavalina zelena tekočinica ( s formaldehidom), mi jih je malo ojačala.Tisti, ki me poznate verjetno veste, da imam najmehkejše nohte na svetu in da se moja obnohtna kožica rada zatrga že samo če iščem ključe v torbici..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rare Pictures of Cameron Diaz

It’s not that often we get any pictures of Cameron Diaz in her bikini so today must be your lucky day. Here she is flashing some ass crack in her little green bikini while playing in the surf. It’s been so long that I almost forgot how hot she is, her body is as tight as my pants are right now. That joke never gets old. I guess Cameron has a movie coming out and needs a little exposure, I don’t care what the reason is but I like it. Enjoy her long flowing never-ending body and eternally long legs.